What To Do When You DON'T Feel Like Creating Content

content tip May 25, 2022

So what do you do when you absolutely MUST get a post out on Instagram…

…but you have zero creative energy to make it happen? 

There’s nothing worse than having some serious content goals while SERIOUSLY lacking the motivation to create.

Even worse is when this feeling strikes when you’ve carved out time to plan content for the whole day…or even the whole month!

😅 I’ve been there! 😅

It’s true. Even though this is my career and my passion, I’ve had many moments of feeling uninspired.

Let’s be real – this happens to every content creator out there.

Don’t believe me?

I can send you screenshots of the hundreds of DMs I’ve received saying:

“Amber, please help! What do I do when I don’t feel like creating content? 😫 😫 😫”

I help people with this exact problem on a daily basis, so I’ve got a few tricks of the trade.

Let’s dive into the 4 things you can do when you DON’T feel like creating content👇🏻

#1 - Repurpose Content

The first thing I would always recommend when you find yours...

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What Content Creation Method Is Right For You?

content tip May 18, 2022

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you can’t find a content creation method that suits you and your unique business?

Do you keep trying a new system one week and abandoning it the next?

Constantly playing content catch-up?

You are not alone 🧡

It’s not easy to find a content creation process that actually works for you, consistently. 

Should you create content daily? Batch it all in one go? Keep your ideas stored up for later?

It can feel like there are so many methods, and so many debates about which one is best.

So today I’m breaking down the different 3 ways you can create content for your small business.

Once you've got the pros and cons of each - you’ll be able to settle on the system that works for you in no time👇🏻

In The Moment Creation

First up we’ve got ‘In the Moment’ content creation.

Or as I like to call it: Chaotic content creation. 😳 😳 😳

You’ll see what I mean in a second!

This method is all about creating and posting content in that specific mom...

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Why Every Piece of Content Should NOT Go Viral

content tip May 11, 2022

I hate to break it to you - but no matter how hard you try:

Every piece of content you push out…

👉🏻 Can not

👉🏻 Will not

👉🏻 And should not go viral.

That might sound a little harsh.

But adopting this mindset when it comes to video content will help you in the long run.

As much as it sounds like a dream to become an internet sensation from one single piece of content - it’s just not sustainable. 🙅🏻‍♀️ 🙅🏻‍♀️ 🙅🏻‍♀️

And while you DO want to strive for high engagement, striving for virality every time you can create content will actually hurt your business.


Because it takes all kinds of content categories to make up an effective content marketing strategy.

Yes - hopping on trends that have viral ✨ potential ✨ is one of these categories - but there are 3 other essential categories to focus on as well.

So without further ado, let’s jump into the 4 types of content categories arranged by virality.👇🏻

#1 - Sales-Based Content 💰

Let’s kick it off with the content that typically ...

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How to Save Time by Batching Your Video Content

content tip May 04, 2022

Have you been thinking about introducing more videos into your content strategy?

You know I’m ALL about it! 🙌🙌

But every time you think about creating video content… you start panicking about how little time you have to make that happen.

I want to introduce you to a video content strategy that has saved my life.

That strategy is:

⚡ Video content batching ⚡

I get it - the idea of ‘batching’ has taken the online business industry by storm.

So maybe you’re starting to get a *little* sick of hearing it.

But I am here to tell you that there is a very, very good reason that the concept of ‘batching’ has gained so much traction in the past few years.

The Benefits of Batching Video Content 

More than any other content strategy, batching your content saves you some serious time.

And your time is so damn precious! ⏳ ⏳

If you’re going to take the time to introduce video content into your marketing, you want to make sure it’s something you’ll be able to keep up with consistently. 

If ...

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The "Hero" Content Strategy That's Helped Me Cut Time Spent on Content Creation in HALF

content tip Apr 20, 2022

Tell me if this sounds familiar 👇👇

At the start of your social media journey, you had SO much energy for content creation.

You were ready to show up every day online with a positive attitude, eager to serve your community. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

But after a while, you’re not as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as you used to be.

The content creation grind has started to weigh on you. 😫

And you no longer have it in you to show up every day with fresh and creative content ideas.

I’ve been there.

Trust me.

And I will be the first person to say that it’s NOT sustainable to show up online every single day without being glued to your phone at every waking moment. 🙅🏻‍♀️ 🙅🏻‍♀️

And I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of moving parts to my business.

I don’t have time to spend my whole day on content!

I’ve got places to be and people to see! 💃🏻 ✨

So how did I make the change toward something more sustainable?

👇🏻 Enter The “Hero” Content Strategy. 👇🏻

What Is The Hero Content Strategy?

In short: ...

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Overwhelmed by Content Creation? Try These 5 Genius Content Creation Tips

content tip Apr 13, 2022

I totally get that content creation can seem like an absolute beast.

😈 😈 😈

That no matter how many weeks of content you push out, you get nervous every time you have to get back in the game and create some more.

But as much as people gripe about content creation  - I’m thankful for it! 

🧡 I mean without it - I wouldn’t have the career that I love! 🧡

And because of that, I’ve been around the content creation block a few hundred times so I’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade.

I want to give you five of my favorite content creation tips to help you master your content workflow. 👇🏻 👇🏻

Start Repurposing Content

I am a HUGE fan of content repurposing. 🤩

Without a doubt, getting a handle on content repurposing has changed my life.

Content repurposing allows you to make your brilliant content work harder for you. 💪

All you need to do is take one piece of high-quality content and start repackaging it into different formats. ♻️ ♻️ ♻️

This mega-valuable content you break down into ...

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Reel Trends For Your Business You *MUST* Try Before It’s Too Late

content tip Mar 02, 2022

If you were hoping that Instagram reels were just gonna be a flash in the pan - I have some bad news for you.

Instagram reels are here to stay.

Not only that, but they are a *super* important part of your overall Instagram strategy.

I get it.

Learning to master a whole new type of content just sounds like one more thing to add to your never-ending to-do list as an online business owner. 😩 😩 😩


Let me lighten the load a bit and give you a list of my favorite reels trends, PLUS give you an exact rundown on how to make them.

The best part?

I’ve picked these trends with my fellow busy business owners in mind. 

I guarantee these are low-effort but high-performing reels trends that you can implement TODAY. 

And I literally mean TODAY, ‘cause these reel trends won’t last forever so GET ON IT. ✅

Without further ado, let’s dive into 5 of the best new reel trends of 2022 so far. 👇🏻👇🏻

Reels Trend #1: Twitter x Reels

I think we all remember how Twitter screenshots were a major fan fa...

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Canva Video Tutorial: 3 Ways to Use Stock Videos on Instagram to Boost Your Engagement

content tip Dec 08, 2021

Wondering where you can find free videos for Instagram to keep your viewers engaged? Are all of the stock videos you’re coming across totally boring and drab?

Well, this Canva video tutorial is here to the rescue!  

We all know the content creation process can be grueling and overwhelming.

  • What do you post about?
  • How do you consistently create quality content?
  • How do you KEEP your audience engaged?

And when it comes to creating your own videos on Instagram, well… It can send you into a HEAD SPIN! 😵‍

You can almost feel the creative block clouding your brain.

In this blog, I want to walk you through 3 different ways you can find free videos for Instagram and use stock videos to enhance your Instagram posts. You can easily boost your engagement and make your content more visually appealing, which is exactly what I’ll walk you through in this Canva video tutorial!

If you’re unsure of what Canva is, it’s a free graphic design platform that's great for adding some sparkle into yo...

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5 Key Components of a Content Strategy

content tip Dec 01, 2021

Are you a solo entrepreneur who’s finding it hard to figure out *exactly* what kind of content strategy you need for your business?

  • Do you find yourself struggling with what kind of content to post to get clients? 
  • Are you unsure of which advice to follow?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of it all?

Sometimes the term “content strategy” can be SO confusing. In the marketing world, it often gets thrown around a lot as a buzzword, but there are still a ton of business owners who couldn’t really tell you what it means!

In simple terms, a content strategy is the development, planning, creation, delivery, and management of content. And the purpose of a strategy is to create meaningful, cohesive, engaging content to connect you to your target audience. 

In this blog, I'm going to lay down my 5-step signature process I use with all of my clients so you can create a strategy that works for YOU. These are the key questions YOU need to ask to create a stellar content strategy! 

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3 Types of Video Content for Your Business

content tip Oct 13, 2021

Video content is all the rage now on social media right now. 🔥

It seems like every day there’s someone shouting “Reels are the new thing!” and “You HAVE to be doing IG Lives!!”

And they’re right. With the right strategy, video content will help you explode your social channels.

Not only is video content going to help you grow your following, but it will also help you meet your business goals. Because followers are nice, but paying clients are better. 😉

It’s hands down the BEST way to connect with your ideal audience, and keep them around so that they can potentially clients or customers of yours.

It may feel a teensy (okay, probably more than that!) bit uncomfortable at first to get your face out there.

Video may even seem a bit confusing or daunting.

Never fear! I have been doing video content for quite a while now, and in all of my years of experience, I’ve learned the three most important types of video content you want to include in your content strategy today. 

By knowing *exactly* ...

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